
North Pima News

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Pima County’s schools student body comprised mostly of Latino students in 2021-22 school year

Superintendent of public instruction thomas c horne 2023

AZ Superintendent of Education Thomas C. Horne 2023 | Arizona State Department of Education

AZ Superintendent of Education Thomas C. Horne 2023 | Arizona State Department of Education

The majority of students in Pima County schools were Latino in the 2021-22 school year, according to the Arizona Department of Education.

Of the 145,153 students attending Pima County schools, 55.4% were Latino. White students were the second largest ethnicity, making up 30.7% of Pima County students.

In the previous school year, Latino students still were the most common group in Pima County, representing 53.2% of the student body.

Winifred Harelson Elementary School had the most even distribution of races among the county schools, which included 42.5% of Latino students, 28.3% of African American students, 16% of White students, 3.7% of American Indian or Alaskan Native students, 3.7% of Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander students, and 3.5% of Multi-racial or non-Hispanic students.

In the 2021-22 school year, the total number of students enrolled in public schools in the county increased 0.6% when compared to the previous year.

A 2023 study from Scholaroo.com ranked Arizona last out of all U.S. states in terms of educational success, giving the state poor markets for school quality, student success, and teacher-to-student ratio.

WalletHub claimed Arizona’s school system ranked among the worst across U.S. for class size, performance, funding, safety, and instructors’ credentials.

Demographics of Student Body in Pima County in the 2021-22 school year
Latino [55.4%]White [30.7%]Ethnicities <5% [13.9%]
Students’ Ethnicity Percentage in Pima County Schools in the 2021-22 school year
School nameMost prevalent ethnic groupPercent of Total Student BodyTotal Enrollment
Acacia Elementary SchoolWhite52.1%746
Agua Caliente SchoolWhite73.5%472
Ajo Elementary SchoolLatino71.1%280
Ajo High SchoolLatino75.2%129
Alice Vail Middle SchoolLatino50.4%716
Altar Valley Middle SchoolLatino60.5%200
Alternative High School American Indian or Alaskan Native96.9%65
Amphi Academy OnlineLatino49.6%345
Amphitheater High SchoolLatino63.6%1,160
Amphitheater Middle SchoolLatino65%626
Andrada Polytechnic High SchoolWhite59.4%630
Anna Henry Elementary SchoolLatino37.5%253
Anna Lawrence Intermediate SchoolAmerican Indian or Alaskan Native50%210
Annie Kellond Elementary SchoolLatino52.7%452
Anza TrailLatino53.6%1,171
Apollo Middle SchoolLatino91.8%549
Baboquivari High SchoolAmerican Indian or Alaskan Native94.3%229
Baboquivari Middle SchoolAmerican Indian or Alaskan Native91%166
Billy Lane Lauffer Middle SchoolLatino84.6%441
Blenman Elementary SchoolLatino54.1%259
Bloom ElementaryLatino54.6%337
Bonillas Elementary Basic Curriculum Magnet SchoolLatino69.4%369
Booth-Fickett Math Science Magnet SchoolLatino52.8%451
Borman Elementary SchoolWhite44.8%507
Borton Primary Magnet SchoolLatino62.2%262
C.E. Rose Elementary SchoolLatino95.3%806
Canyon Del Oro High SchoolWhite55%1,613
Canyon View Elementary SchoolWhite58.8%422
Carrillo Intermediate Magnet SchoolLatino67.6%296
Catalina Foothills High SchoolWhite54.4%1,854
Catalina High SchoolLatino49.6%566
Cavett Elementary SchoolLatino82.4%187
Centennial Elementary SchoolLatino65.8%403
Challenger Middle SchoolLatino90%718
Cholla High SchoolLatino81%1,709
Cienega High SchoolWhite48.2%1,906
Collier Elementary SchoolLatino44.8%134
Continental Elementary SchoolLatino48.8%649
Copper Creek Elementary SchoolWhite61.3%318
Copper Ridge ElementaryWhite56.3%407
Copper View Elementary SchoolLatino57.6%627
Corona Foothills Middle SchoolWhite55.2%592
Coronado K-8 SchoolLatino48.2%666
Cottonwood Elementary SchoolWhite46.9%525
Cragin Elementary SchoolLatino52.2%274
Craycroft Elementary SchoolLatino80%555
Davidson Elementary SchoolLatino52.8%248
Davis Bilingual Magnet SchoolLatino58.2%280
Desert Sky Middle SchoolLatino45.6%792
Desert View High SchoolLatino86.5%2,027
Desert Willow Elementary SchoolLatino44.9%779
Dietz K-8 SchoolLatino53%400
Doolen Middle SchoolLatino44.8%572
Drachman Primary Magnet SchoolLatino61.7%334
Drexel Elementary SchoolLatino88.8%463
Dunham Elementary SchoolLatino42.9%154
E.C. Nash SchoolLatino71.3%300
Elvira Elementary SchoolLatino93.6%613
Emily Gray Junior High SchoolWhite69%422
Empire High SchoolWhite56.8%859
Esmond Station SchoolWhite52.6%730
Esperanza Elementary SchoolLatino92.1%481
Esperero Canyon Middle SchoolWhite55.3%519
Flowing Wells Digital CampusLatino69.9%143
Flowing Wells High SchoolLatino73%1,689
Flowing Wells Junior High SchoolLatino70.2%825
Ford ElementaryLatino48.4%221
Frances J. Warren Elementary SchoolLatino79.7%202
Frances Owen Holaway Elementary SchoolLatino54.2%336
Fruchthendler Elementary SchoolWhite53.9%345
Gale Elementary SchoolWhite42.8%360
Gallego Intermediate Fine Arts Magnet SchoolLatino93.3%840
Gallego Primary Fine Arts MagnetLatino93.2%518
Gridley Middle SchoolLatino43.4%606
Harold Steele Elementary SchoolLatino40.9%237
Helen Keeling Elementary SchoolLatino61.5%288
Henry Hank OyamaLatino85.1%308
Holladay Intermediate Magnet SchoolLatino73%189
Hollinger K-8 SchoolLatino92%637
Homer Davis Elementary SchoolLatino76.1%389
Howell Peter ElementaryLatino47.4%232
Hudlow Elementary SchoolLatino53.8%186
Ida Flood Dodge Traditional Middle Magnet SchoolLatino59.6%403
Indian Oasis Intermediate Elementary SchoolAmerican Indian or Alaskan Native96%224
Indian Oasis Primary Elementary SchoolAmerican Indian or Alaskan Native80.5%329
Irene Erickson Elementary SchoolLatino59.8%371
Ironwood Ridge High SchoolWhite63%1,631
J. Robert Hendricks Elementary SchoolLatino57.9%511
John B. Wright Elementary SchoolLatino42.5%431
John E. White Elementary SchoolLatino81%638
L.M. Prince SchoolLatino56.5%462
La Cima Middle SchoolLatino69.5%430
Laguna Elementary SchoolLatino71.2%379
Laura N. Banks ElementaryLatino76.3%295
Lawrence W. Cross Middle SchoolWhite57.4%754
Liberty Elementary SchoolLatino93.5%537
Lineweaver Elementary SchoolLatino50%562
Los Amigos Elementary SchoolLatino94.9%604
Los Ninos Elementary SchoolLatino81.2%409
Lulu Walker SchoolLatino59.7%375
Lynn UrquidesLatino90.7%407
Magee Middle SchoolLatino42.9%361
Maldonado Amelia Elementary SchoolLatino83.6%219
Mansfeld Middle Magnet SchoolLatino67.3%901
Manzanita SchoolWhite58.1%608
Manzo Elementary SchoolLatino88%341
Marion Donaldson Elementary SchoolLatino48.4%221
Marshall Elementary SchoolWhite43.9%253
Mary Belle McCorkle Academy of ExcellenceLatino90.3%1,151
Mary Meredith K-12 SchoolLatino51.9%27
Mesa Verde Elementary SchoolWhite58.4%327
Mesquite Elementary SchoolLatino42.4%713
Miles-Exploratory Learning CenterLatino63.1%309
Miller Elementary SchoolLatino82.5%491
Mission Manor Elementary SchoolLatino94%521
Mission View Elementary SchoolLatino91.5%199
Morgan Maxwell SchoolLatino75.6%468
Myers-Ganoung Elementary SchoolLatino53.2%267
Ochoa Elementary SchoolLatino87.5%152
Ocotillo Ridge ElementaryWhite59.7%600
Old Vail Middle SchoolWhite57.8%850
Orange Grove Middle SchoolWhite59.3%669
Painted Sky Elementary SchoolWhite60%335
Palo Verde High Magnet SchoolLatino47.8%648
Pantano High SchoolWhite43.9%66
Pistor Middle SchoolLatino82%878
Project More High SchoolLatino85.7%21
Pueblo Gardens ElementaryLatino85.6%396
Pueblo High SchoolLatino88.8%1,798
Raul Grijalva Elementary SchoolLatino86.1%527
Richard B. Wilson Junior SchoolWhite61.2%912
Rillito CenterLatino42.7%75
Rincon High SchoolLatino60.8%1,393
Rincon Vista Middle SchoolWhite43.3%698
Rio Vista Elementary SchoolLatino68.8%317
Rivera Elementary SchoolLatino93.3%445
Robert Richardson Elementary SchoolLatino52.8%326
Roberts NaylorLatino56.8%544
Robins Elementary SchoolLatino71.9%430
Robison Elementary SchoolLatino79.2%236
Robles Elementary SchoolLatino59.8%366
Roskruge Bilingual Magnet Middle SchoolLatino85.8%569
Sabino High SchoolWhite51.5%938
Safford K-8 SchoolLatino81.8%434
Sahuarita High SchoolLatino56.4%1,063
Sahuarita Intermediate SchoolLatino57%398
Sahuarita Middle SchoolLatino58.6%563
Sahuaro High SchoolLatino46.3%1,499
Sam Hughes ElementaryLatino50.9%336
Santa Clara Elementary SchoolLatino78.2%441
Santa Rita High SchoolLatino53%372
Secrist Middle SchoolLatino52.5%318
Senita Valley Elementary SchoolWhite48.1%665
Sentinel Peak High SchoolLatino73.8%80
Sierra 2-8 SchoolLatino89.6%863
Soleng Tom Elementary SchoolWhite47%317
Sopori Elementary SchoolLatino73.1%201
STAR Academic High SchoolLatino88.6%273
Summit View ElementaryLatino94.9%394
Sunnyside High SchoolLatino93.6%2,166
Sunnyside Online Success AcademyLatino91.5%351
Sunrise Drive Elementary SchoolWhite51.2%533
Sycamore Elementary SchoolWhite53.1%706
Tanque Verde Elementary SchoolWhite72.5%655
Tanque Verde High SchoolWhite75.8%666
Teenage Parent Program - TAPPLatino69.7%33
The Innovation AcademyWhite64.9%405
Tolson Elementary SchoolLatino80.2%339
Tucson Magnet High SchoolLatino69.8%3,231
Tully Elementary Accelerated Magnet SchoolLatino60.4%285
University High SchoolWhite43.3%1,128
Utterback Middle SchoolLatino79%238
Vail Academy & High SchoolWhite40.3%474
Vail Innovation CenterWhite50%146
Valencia Middle SchoolLatino77.8%758
Van Buskirk Elementary SchoolLatino94.6%261
Ventana Vista Elementary SchoolWhite53.8%494
Vesey Elementary SchoolLatino74.8%568
W. Arthur Sewel Elementary SchoolLatino54.3%210
W.V. Whitmore Elementary SchoolLatino44.3%300
Walden Grove High SchoolLatino56.4%1,119
Wheeler Elementary SchoolLatino51.8%407
Winifred Harelson Elementary SchoolWhite63.1%471


Orange Grove Middle SchoolWinifred Harelson Elementary SchoolHolladay Intermediate Magnet SchoolAjo Elementary SchoolBaboquivari High SchoolRincon High SchoolMiles-Exploratory Learning CenterVail Innovation CenterOld Vail Middle SchoolCholla High SchoolCopper Creek Elementary SchoolHudlow Elementary SchoolSam Hughes Elementary SchoolRio Vista Elementary SchoolDesert Willow Elementary SchoolDrachman Primary Magnet SchoolRaul Grijalva Elementary SchoolJohn B. Wright Elementary SchoolLaura N. Banks Elementary SchoolCopper View Elementary SchoolMission Manor Elementary SchoolPalo Verde High Magnet SchoolVail Academy & High SchoolAnna Lawrence Intermediate SchoolCraycroft Elementary SchoolAmphi Academy OnlineMcCorkle Pk-8Anza TrailElvira Elementary SchoolLa Cima Middle SchoolValencia Middle SchoolJ. Robert Hendricks Elementary SchoolSummit View Elementary SchoolHomer Davis Elementary SchoolBooth-Fickett Math/Science Magnet SchoolAnnie Kellond Elementary SchoolTanque Verde Elementary SchoolDavidson Elementary SchoolMaldonado Amelia Elementary SchoolRobert Richardson Elementary SchoolUtterback Middle SchoolFlowing Wells Digital CampusLos Ninos Elementary SchoolAltar Valley Middle SchoolMansfeld Middle SchoolApollo Middle SchoolCorona Foothills Middle SchoolOchoa Elementary SchoolEsperero Canyon Middle SchoolSentinel Peak High SchoolDoolen Middle SchoolSafford K-8 SchoolSahuarita Intermediate SchoolJohn E. White Elementary SchoolSunrise Drive Elementary SchoolFord Elementary SchoolTeenage Parent Program - TappChallenger Middle SchoolBaboquivari Middle SchoolLawrence W. Cross Middle SchoolFruchthendler Elementary SchoolFrances Owen Holaway Elementary SchoolRichard B. Wilson Junior SchoolPantano High SchoolWalden Grove High SchoolAndrada Polytechnic High SchoolGallego Primary Fine Arts MagnetTully Elementary Accelerated Magnet SchoolWheeler Elementary SchoolAgua Caliente SchoolStar Academic High SchoolRivera Elementary SchoolC.e. Rose Elementary SchoolBilly Lane Lauffer Middle SchoolPueblo High SchoolIrene Erickson Elementary SchoolDesert View High SchoolIda Flood Dodge Traditional Middle Magnet SchoolCanyon Del Oro High SchoolIndian Oasis Primary SchoolRillito CenterLineweaver Elementary SchoolMyers-Ganoung Elementary SchoolRobins Elementary SchoolFlowing Wells Junior High SchoolSenita Valley Elementary SchoolMorgan Maxwell SchoolSabino High SchoolPistor Middle SchoolManzo Elementary SchoolSycamore Elementary SchoolGallego Intermediate Fine Arts Magnet SchoolSunnyside High SchoolSanta Clara Elementary SchoolW. Arthur Sewel Elementary SchoolDavis Bilingual Magnet SchoolHowell Peter Elementary SchoolLiberty Elementary SchoolSanta Rita High SchoolLaguna Elementary SchoolRincon Vista Middle SchoolAnna Henry Elementary SchoolSunnyside Online Success AcademyLynn UrquidesCopper Ridge ElementaryState of Arizona Department of EducationMagee Middle SchoolCollier Elementary SchoolDesert Sky Middle SchoolGale Elementary SchoolW.v. Whitmore Elementary SchoolThe Innovation AcademyEmily Gray Junior High SchoolAcacia Elementary SchoolAlternative High SchoolSahuarita Middle SchoolProject More High SchoolMarion Donaldson Elementary SchoolUniversity High SchoolCavett Elementary SchoolManzanita SchoolPueblo Gardens Elementary SchoolHollinger Elementary SchoolFlowing Wells High SchoolBlenman Elementary SchoolDietz Elementary SchoolEsmond Station SchoolMary Meredith K-12 SchoolCragin Elementary SchoolCienega High SchoolSecrist Middle SchoolMesa Verde Elementary SchoolCatalina Foothills High SchoolL.m. Prince SchoolDunham Elementary SchoolTanque Verde High SchoolPainted Sky Elementary SchoolOcotillo Ridge Elementary SchoolCoronado K-8 SchoolSoleng Tom Elementary SchoolLos Amigos Elementary SchoolVentana Vista Elementary SchoolRobles Elementary SchoolTucson High SchoolEsperanza Elementary SchoolCatalina High Magnet SchoolMarshall Elementary SchoolRoberts NaylorLulu Walker SchoolIndian Oasis Intermediate Elementary SchoolHenry Hank OyamaDrexel Elementary SchoolContinental Elementary SchoolBorton Primary Magnet SchoolFrances J. Warren Elementary SchoolVan Buskirk Elementary SchoolSahuarita High SchoolE.c. Nash SchoolSierra 2-8 SchoolAjo High SchoolRobison Elementary SchoolHarold Steele Elementary SchoolSahuaro High SchoolCanyon View Elementary SchoolBorman Elementary SchoolAmphitheater High SchoolMesquite Elementary SchoolCentennial Elementary SchoolAlice Vail Middle SchoolMission View Elementary SchoolGridley Middle SchoolBonillas Elementary Basic Curriculum Magnet SchoolAmphitheater Middle SchoolEmpire High SchoolTolson Elementary SchoolSopori Elementary SchoolCottonwood Elementary SchoolMiller Elementary SchoolHelen Keeling Elementary SchoolVesey Elementary SchoolRoskruge Bilingual Magnet Middle SchoolBloom Elementary SchoolCarrillo Intermediate Magnet School


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