Hope Schau | Hope Schau
Hope Schau | Hope Schau
1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 6, 2022
Online Webinar
The goal of a story is to transport the viewer or reader into a world that the author aimed to create. However, new research by Hope Schau, Eller Professor of Marketing at the Eller College of Management, shows that story experiences vary from person to person - which means control of the story may no longer lie with the creator.
Join us for this virtual event, led by Eller College of Management’s Hope Schau PhD, as she details how media and the tools control narrative delivery when they are no longer managed by a single voice.
She will also touch upon how a cultural practice like surfing, and the evolution of surfing, depends on how deeply it is rooted into the social fabric of everyday life.
Participants will leave this webinar recognizing
why consumer preferences are important
that consumers are now in more control than ever of the media they are consuming
how surfing leads to providing a robust lens to study practice diffusion
Speaker Bio
Hope Schau joined the Eller College of Management in 2005. She earned her PhD, MA in Comparative Culture, and MBA with an emphasis in marketing, from the University of California, Irvine. She led the Filene Research Institute’s Center of Excellence for Consumer Decision Making in the financial services sector from 2016-2020. Prior to joining the Eller faculty, she was an assistant professor of marketing at the Fox School of Business at Temple University
Hope’s research focuses on innovation, market-oriented technological mediation, practice diffusion and adoption, collaborative value creation, consumption journeys, and brand building. Her research has appeared in premier venues such as the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Rural Sociology, and Agriculture and Human Values. She is an Associate Editor at the Journal of Consumer Research, and an Area Editor for the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science and the Journal of Business Research. She serves on the editorial review board for several journals including Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Research, and the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing.
Original source can be found here.