Gov. Doug Ducey has announced the selection of J. Alan Goodwin to the Pima County Superior Court.
This particular choice fills the vacancy that was created by with the retirement of Judge Charles V. Harrington.
Goodwin has worked within the Pima County Attorney’s Office since 2012. He currently serves as the Special Victims Bureau Chief, which focuses on prosecuting child homicides, child physical and sexual abuses and internet crimes against children.
Goodwin was also in the U.S. Air Force from 1998 until 2004, when he was honorably discharged. He continues to serve in the U.S. Air Force Reserve and is a colonel.
In 2016, Goodwin was part of the governor’s Arizona Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kit Task Force. From 2016 to 2018, he was a member of the Statewide Sexual Assault Response Stakeholder Workgroup, which published the 2018 “State of Arizona Recommended Guidelines for a Coordinated Community Response to Adult Sexual Assault.”
“Alan’s career is marked by selfless service,” Ducey said in a news release. “He serves our country as a U.S. Air Force Reserve Officer, and has served our community by helping victims of abuse and violence. I am pleased to appoint Alan to the Pima County Superior Court.”